Why YouTube is Part of My Podcast Growth Strategy
Are you having trouble growing your podcast? With no algorithm to help new podcasters get found, I'm turning to YouTube as part of my podcast growth strategy.
The Challenges of Podcast Growth
When it comes to growing a podcast, there’s some challenges for those of us just starting out. Namely, the lack of an algorithm to help get discovered.
Unlike platforms like YouTube and social media, where algorithms can boost visibility and promote content to new audiences, podcasts don't have this built-in feature.
This means that new podcasters need to work extra hard to get their shows noticed, whether that's through word-of-mouth, paid promotion, or other creative tactics.
Shifting Focus to YouTube
In an effort to continue to grow my podcast, I've recently shifted my focus to YouTube as part of my strategy. The channel will be about running an online business and while I share my valuable tips about streamlining processes, the examples I use will be from my own podcast and business. Which will then lead some curious viewers to seek out the show and become new listeners.
In addition to business how-to’s YouTube also announced this year their investments in podcasts with a dedicated podcast search - which is huge! And given the power of video, it makes sense to double down on this medium as a way to connect with a wider audience and grow my business.
To apply these insights to your own growth strategy, consider how you can create video content that aligns with your podcast and attracts new listeners…OR consider publishing your video podcast directly to YouTube. Just remember, finding the right platform for your business and content creation is part of the journey, so don't be afraid to experiment with different mediums and strategies until you find what works best for you.