Jamie Riene

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F* the Box | How to Own Your Expertise and Attract Clients

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Are you a coach struggling to market yourself and define what you do in an Instagram bio?  Jen from Becoming Iconic shares her insights on how to confidently own your skills and keep clients hooked with exceptional experiences.

Own Who You Are

The first step to marketing yourself as a business coach is to own who you are. Look at your experience, gather that together, and be confident enough that you have something to offer. Be clear about your strengths and what you can do for your clients.

Be Clear About Your Destination

Once you know who you are, you need to be clear about your destination. Where are you going? What do you want to achieve? Spend more time declaring and sharing where you're going, and this will be the antidote to any stagnant feeling in your business.

Don't Put Yourself in a Box

We love to fit into things because that's what we've been taught and that we've been really good at that all our lives. But as women, we're going through a total rebellion. We're ripping these boxes open. You are not meant to fit into a title. So don't give yourself a title that doesn't fit. Instead, give people the benefit of the doubt that they will understand you by saying what you do.

Ready for more?

If you want to hear more of Jen's firey passion around all things sales and marketing, check out ep.51 and give it a listen.

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