warm muted colors in a swirl with words perfection not required

Let's be real for a sec...building an online business is hard.

Not like, physical labor hard - more like mental gymnastics on a tight-rope hard.

I thought it was just me, but it turns out that after interviewing dozens of women killing it in their business that there's a distinct connection between inner healing and business growth.

This podcast is dedicated to exploring those connections and sharing the strategies, stories and resources to grow your business - Perfection Not Required.

Challenging the Status Quo
Jamie Riene Jamie Riene

Challenging the Status Quo

I'm so excited to introduce you to our guest Erica Gregory. After her second child was born Erica decided she was not going back to her corporate marketing job and made the leap to entrepreneurship without a plan.

Her tenacity and instincts paid off and now after successfully creating her own social media agency Erica has found her groove as a 6 figure online business coach. Listen in as we chat about her path to coaching, how she got started from scratch, and the mindset work she had to do to achieve the results in her business today.

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